Reroll for the Win!

Reroll for the Win!

Generating content using artificial intelligence is obviously a major step forward in speed and ability to get relevant content created. It can however throw up less than adequate results. Here at Content Villain, we are using a filter from OpenAI which hopefully filters out most of the unsafe outputs that are generated. All outputs are also run through our unique quality assurance tool to again filter out bad quality.

We only want to provide you, the end-user with quality outputs. If less than satisfactory outputs are found then we want to find them, stop them from reaching you and get a quality output all in the backend without you noticing. Quality is something that we cannot guarantee, although we strive very hard to reach it on each and every output.

This all leads to the question, what should you do if you get an output that you are unhappy with?

  1. Report it to us as poor or unsafe content. Our team will then review it and if we agree, we will refund that credit. This also helps us to further improve our models so that poor quality can become a thing of the past once and for all.
  2. Use the ‘Reroll’ button. This can be used when you get an output that is okay, but you think could be better. What happens when you use the reroll button? Your previous inputs are sent back to the artificial intelligence and it will have another go at generating a solid output. It is a super useful weapon to have in your arsenal when generating great content with Content Villain.

Through our continuous efforts to improve our models and methods and give you the best chance of success, think of rerolling as a second opinion on an output. If you asked two people to do a job for you, chances are they would do it differently, this is the same.

If you haven’t tried generating content with Content Villain, what are you waiting for? Let Content Villain be your partner in crime for great content online and hit get started today!